About Us
With a lifetime spent living and working with large groups of dogs, canine physiology, and puppy raising are both a passion and a lifestyle for me. As a youth, my first job was as a dog bather, followed by over 25 years of managing daycare, boarding, and dog training facilities, before moving into professional grooming. I am a certified trainer by the American Kennel Club (AKC), and I currently hold the position of Vice President of our local Barn Hunt club. Additionally, I serve as the trial chair for our Farm Dog and AKC temperament test committees. Dogs are not just a hobby for me. They are my life, day in and day out. My dogs compete in venues such as Conformation, Rally, Barn Hunt, Dock Diving, Scent Work, Fast Cat, and Herding. All of my dogs are Advanced/Urban Canine Good Citizens, AKC temperament tested, and Farm Dog certified.